Ever wonder why things happen to you? Yet, you see other people who seem to skate through the same situation without worry?
It makes you think that they were just lucky – they had money to handle the issue. Their beautiful life goes on, but you’re stuck trying to figure out what to do next.
This is where jealousy can rear it’s ugly head. Instead of seeing the situation for what it is and preparing for the next time it happens, you’d rather have a pity party and keep the other crabs company.
Blaming and complaining is always the easy way out of those negative thoughts that you have. Taking personal responsibility for your lack of thinking (or for anything) is a hard thing to do. It forces you to look at your flaws and deal with them constructively.
If you want to become a person with high standards, you have to do high standard things. Being prepared is one of those things.
Being prepared requires discipline. When a power outage happens and you have no generator to back up your home, it’ll make you think of all the times you could’ve bought one in the past. Your discipline wasn’t strong enough to prepare for the outage and therefore, you have to suffer through the consequences.
That’s the part we don’t like. It’s like someone is laughing at you for not thinking ahead and being prepared like others. Don’t be mad because someone else took the time to buy a generator when it was out of season – be mad at yourself for buying five pairs of shoes, instead of the generator.
How Can You Stay Prepared?
Staying prepared is a habit that pays many times over. The reason many people find it hard to do is because there is no instant gratification. They think they’re wasting money or it won’t happen until much later down the road.
If you know your gas tank is close to empty, put gas in your tank. Better yet, whenever your tank gets to half full, fill it up. Don’t be the person trying to get to work on the last drop of gas (thinking you’ll get it later) and you end up in a traffic jam.
Always think ahead. It will save you so much worry and stress. Would you rather be the one suffering through it, or the one who was able to manage the situation? Staying prepared gives you peace of mind and confidence to get through any situation.
It’s the same with money – money will solve the majority of your challenges. Why not have some stashed away for emergencies? It hurts a lot less when you have the money to fix a broken pipe than having to wait another two weeks for your next paycheck.
This also applies to your health. Eating the right food and exercising will put you in a better position to avoid diseases and weakness, as opposed to eating junk foods and developing an illness. If it can help you become a more healthy person, why not do it?
It takes discipline to exercise, eat right and to save money. Those are just a few examples of how being prepared will pay off in the long run. Just because you don’t see the benefits right away doesn’t mean it’s not a good time to start.
There are many more areas in your life where you can manage your habits a little better so you can get more positive results. Think ahead about what you want in advance and create a plan to get there.
It’s better to live a prepared life, than to play catch up all of the time.