Part of building a strong foundation for your life is being self-aware. It takes effort to think yourself into your vision. When you know who you are, you will live for yourself.
Often times, we let others see our future before we do. Negative words are spoken in our presence and our minds automatically accept what was said.
How do you create your own dream? Why do you believe what others say about you? Do you really know who you are?
Be Self-Aware For You
People will judge anyone else, but themselves. It’s a quirky way to take the attention off of themselves and put it on others. This relieves any kind of embarrassment that could possibly happen when interacting within a group.
Understand that everyone has their opinions, but you don’t have to let it drive your life. More than likely, you’ll hear untrue opinions and hearsay about yourself throughout life. If you’re not careful, it’ll sink into your mind and ruin your self-esteem.
The issue isn’t you. It only becomes you when you begin to accept those opinions and judgments about you. You have the ability to turn it around. There doesn’t need to be a public debate about who you are, but you do need to know it on the inside, where it counts.
Are You Self-Aware? Who Are You?
Have you really thought about who you really are? We can easily talk about other people and give our thoughts on who we think they are, but can you honestly say who you are?
This is important, because if you’re not self-aware, you’ll take everyone else’s opinion and go with it. Allowing other people to shape your life through their assumptions can be destructive.
If someone says you’re not so smart, you may fall into that hole. Don’t step into other’s ideas of you. You are smart, but they only said it because they think that of themselves.
Get to know yourself. What do you like to do? Are you outgoing? Does being around kids bother you? When are you at your best? What do you know you need to work on? Are you working towards any goals?
Your Life Depends On You
Live your life, because no one else can live it for you. Be the director of your movie. You are the leading star, not the extra.
You may take the advice of others who have your interest at heart, but ultimately, it’s your life, so it’s your choice. Many times, we let others control and direct our movie.
A strong mindset is one of the most valuable things in your life. You possess the power to make a choice. Stop blaming the outcome of your situation on someone else. They may have had something to do with it, but again, it was your choice.
Be responsible for the decisions you make. Whether they are good or bad, take the results and own them. Most people point the finger at someone else – that’s easy. When you take responsibility for your choices, you are essentially taking control of your life and being self-aware in the process.
“I Am Not What You Say.”
Creating the person you want to become isn’t a simple task. All of the judgment, opinions and obstacles can wear a person down. It doesn’t have to be that way, if you know who you are.
Life has a way of making you feel like everyone and everything is working against you. At some point, everyone has felt this way. The ones who get over it, are the ones who know who they are and they keep going.
Be self-aware. Master yourself. Defeat the challenges and distractions that happen everyday. Don’t allow your attitude to fit into someone else’s small opinion of you.
Believe this: you are great – your potential is endless – you are brave and beautiful – you can do what you think you can do – it’s never a problem, just a challenge – it’s never a mistake, just feedback – you never lose, you just learned what didn’t work.
Always move forward and be the star of your movie.