Being successful doesn’t happen all at once – you have to practice getting better. Accomplishing your goal takes time and energy. The process seems long, but if you do a little bit everyday, you’ll gain more ground and improve more than you originally thought.
Be careful about what you put into your mind and body and know how to handle your money. “What do you mean Goalden Lady?” Let’s break it down below:
Be Better, Mentally
Your mind is constantly at work . It’s always busy thinking, putting sentences together, recalling memories, following directions – it’s a nonstop, active roller coaster.
It’s easy to let garbage enter your mind. Once it’s there, it takes over your thought patterns and logical reasoning. Things like gossip websites and TV shows – you want to be aware of the type of content you process, especially when going out into the world.
Some things you encounter when you’re out and about, is (a lot of times) negative. If you think you can’t do anything about it, think again.
Read motivational and inspirational blogs and articles. Listen to podcasts that force you to think constructively. Network with people who share the same productive interests as you.
When you grow your mind, you grow your life.
Be Better, With Your Health
Being healthy is important, but we treat it like we can order a new body on Amazon if we damage the one we have. At the moment, it’s impossible, so let’s be good to the one you have, now.
Eat a healthy diet. It’s the same concept with your mind – if you put garbage into your body, you will get garbage out through low energy levels, stress and disease.
When you eat better, you’ll feel better. Who wouldn’t want that? We base our diets on what tastes good, as opposed to what is good for our bodies. Some diseases can be prevented, just by adjusting what you eat.
The point of food is to give you energy, not to taste good. Consult a nutritionist to see what diet works best for you. You’re worth the investment.
Be Better, With Your Wealth
People say money is not important, but in some cases, it is. The world operates on money – if you don’t use it wisely, you’ll always be a step (or five) behind.
No matter how much you make, always save something. It doesn’t have to be $500 – it could be anything. We tend to think that we need to have a huge amount all at once, before we save it and that’s not the case.
You can save $1 a day and you would still have more in 30 days than you had before. Start somewhere, but more importantly, be consistent with it. When life’s emergencies happen (and they will), you’ll be prepared to handle them better, than if you had nothing.
How To Be Better, Everyday
Understand that no one falls on top of the mountain. Some people are born with a greater advantage than others, but that doesn’t matter. You can still make the choice to do better.
Start and do a little everyday. Watch a documentary about your hobby, drink a glass of water, save $5 whenever you can – just start and remain persistent.
When you do a little each day, you create a valuable habit that will help you in the future. After 6 months, you’ll be smarter, healthier and wealthier than you were before!
This is how you become better – brick by brick. A house won’t appear out of thin air, you must build it daily and every brick counts.
When you look back on it, you’ll be glad you started when you did. Create your own path, be resourceful and follow through. Be confident and know that you will make it happen.