Everywhere we look, we see people who seem to have it all together. Their entire life has been made to look like one huge success.
In reality, those people made mistakes. Those same people dealt with obstacles and mishaps. Essentially, they failed their way to success.
What do we expect when we’re making our goals happen? Is it supposed to be easy, or even fair? Should one day of thinking about the results be enough to get there?
What Is A Mistake?
Most people think that mistakes are a bad thing – that it only happens when you’re doing something wrong. While that is somewhat a valid definition, it’s not completely true.
A mistake is feedback. Nothing more, nothing less. When you make a mistake, it’s not the end. Really, it’s the advice or direction you need in order to proceed further.
Mistakes are just another way to tell you to readjust your plan. When you see a detour sign on the road, you don’t turn around and go home. You simply discover a new route to your destination.
A Mistake Allows You To Figure It Out
Another reason some of us don’t get a chance to accomplish anything, is because we want the exact blueprint to get where we’re going and it doesn’t exist.
Everybody’s path is unique to them. Two people in the same type of business may be successful, but they didn’t get there by following an exact ‘this is how you do it’ template.
Your journey is yours to experience. No one else can follow your path because we all have different situations we have to live out. Therefore, every challenge and obstacle will be specific to that person.
Everyone doesn’t have the same drive and motivation to achieve their goals. You may have more focus than your friend, or your friend may be more persistent than you. How you navigate your circumstances determines your degree of success.
What Success Really Looks Like
What does success really look like? No one hardly ever puts out the down side of achieving their goals, but it definitely happens.
Prior to achieving your goal, you may experience any of the following:
- late nights
- early mornings
- short on money
- negative self-chatter
- feeling lazy
- the wrong thing happens at the wrong time
- the right thing happens at the wrong time
- low self-esteem
- pity parties
- giving up
It takes a strong mindset and more than normal effort to continue until you see your desired results, but it’s all a part of the journey.
Give Yourself Permission
Instead of taking the easy way out and being average, give yourself permission to stay up late until you finish or do just one more rep. No one should have to tell you how to win at your game.
One of the biggest things you should focus on is not giving up. A mistake is not a hint for you to give up and feel sorry for yourself. It is not confirmation that you’re on the wrong track. Adjust your path, but keep running.
Let’s be honest – you may have tried, but not hard enough. You’re capable of reaching your dreams, but you have to know it.
Do whatever it takes for you to believe and move forward – say positive affirmations, smile at yourself in the mirror, or compliment yourself in some kind of way – it doesn’t matter, but you’ve got to know that you are just as worthy and deserving of your achievements.
There is no mistake, distraction or insult that can stop you. Know that the only person that can stop you is yourself. Have the confidence to believe in you, go out and accomplish your dreams.